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We are a group of motorcycle enthusiasts from alberta, canada, who build, race, break & fix top fuel & pro fuel nitro harley motorcycles.  


We have been racing Nitro Harleys since 2012 with the motor sports community at various venues in Canada, including at the Rocky Mountain Nationals & Hot August Nights. participating in adrenaline filled races and promoting the Canadian motorcycle  drag racing association (CMDRA).

Evan Barsness received his All Harley Drag Racing Association (AHDRA) 6.9 Second Pro Dragster at the Hawaya Racing Nitro Bike School in Rockingham, North Carolina in May of 2012.
In 2017 Evan won the Canadian Championship & was runner up in the 2018 category. In 2022 he came in third overall.

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Aaron Barsness is a seasoned Nitro Harley racer, having earned his license in 2014. His dedication to the sport paid off in 2020 when he won first place in the Pro Dragster category.  

Doug was licensed in 2013 & finished 3rd overall in the same season.  Though he is not racing this year, he is an important part of the crew, helping with preporations & plans to return to racing soon.

Jamie Williams received his license in 2012. He finished 3rd in the 2013 season. He lends his skill & expertise behind the scenes to the racing team and is currently busy assembling a new motorcycle. We are anticipating his return to racing in the near future.


The crew is the glue that helps us do what we love to do & we couldn't do it without all of the support, time, & expertise our team members have dedicated to help with the preparation, maintenance & all of the hard work involved in participating in this fast paced sport.

We appreciate each & every one of you!



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